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Privacy Policy Græni hatturinn

Græni hatturinn Privacy Policy


Græni hatturinn sells tickets for various events held at Græni hatturinn in Akureyri.

Collection of Personal Information
Græni hatturinn collects personal information in connection with ticket purchases for events and also when you contact us via email.

Use of Personal Information
Græni hatturinn stores personal information and uses it in accordance with applicable laws.
This means that Græni hatturinn protects personal information stored in the system, and you always have the right to contact Græni hatturinn to obtain information about what personal data of yours is stored at any given time. This policy explains how Græni hatturinn processes your personal information when you use the system through Græni hatturinn. 

Græni hatturinn handles the personal information you provide in connection with the use of the system or in relation to how you contact us. The information can include, for example, name, email, phone number, address, or other information you provide when purchasing tickets or in other communications with Græni hatturinn.

Why does Græni hatturinn use personal information?

Your personal information is used by Græni hatturinn to make it possible to:

  • fulfill our obligations to you as agreed, for example, so you can access your tickets, retrieve your tickets if you, for some reason, cannot find them or have lost them, etc.
  • receive and process card and smart payments.
  • improve the purchase process and other services.
  • maintain good customer relations in your communications with Græni hatturinn.
  • handle ticket purchase refunds.

Who has access to your personal information?
Personal information is processed by Græni hatturinn staff. As long as there is no legal obligation to disclose personal information, it will not be provided to other parties. Graenihatturinn.is never discloses or sells personal information for marketing purposes to third parties. Everyone who has access to data is required to process it only in accordance with GDPR law no. 90/2018.

How long is personal information stored?
Græni hatturinn stores your personal information as long as it is necessary to fulfill the obligations that are present at any given time.

Græni hatturinn takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal information being processed. The actions provide security in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and are appropriate, considering:

  • the technical possibilities available.
  • the cost of implementing the measures.
  • specific risks associated with the processing of personal information.
  • how sensitive the personal information is.

Privacy Policy Update
Græni hatturinn regularly updates this privacy policy, and the latest version is always available at www.graenihatturinn.is.


Græni hatturinn / Bitra ehf.
Id. 520698-2059
Hafnarstræti 96,
600 Akureyri
Email: hatturinn@internet.is 
Phone: 461 4646

The privacy policy is effective from July 1, 2024.